Outside Broadcast production is complex and demanding, stretching the limits of technicians and equipment. OB Vans must deploy on locations under the harshest of conditions time after time, without compromise. Because of the fast-paced and on air production, failed technology or compromised workflows can cause great risk or damage.
PTS is well known in Greece’s broadcasting and telecoms industry for their innovative and high quality manufacturing and coach-building products.
Our specialized engineering team integrates the best technologies throughout professional project management to deliver high quality solutions always in accordance to your requirements. Following the 4 phase process, allow us to optimize the design to fit within your budget. Based on your choice of chassis, we can design and build a VAN that is perfect for your needs, using Technology that can grow and adapt to the future needs of your business and help you to maximize the return on investment, extending thus the lifetime of your vans.
All vehicles are manufactured for the hard wear and tear as some of these vehicles need to work on daily basis in harsh urban environments and with many different crews. The vehicles are designed according to local standards, power requirements and having Greece’s hot climate in mind. Our team incorporates state of art technologies for all the electronics (such as PLC), design and implementation.
PTS has experience in building a complete range of broadcasting vehicles ranging from small 4x4 trucks, SNG uplink vehicles, to multi-camera uplink SNG vehicles, ENG vans, OB vans and EFP trucks.