CybC, Cyprus national public broadcaster, operating three domestic television channels, an international service and four radio stations, was faced with the challenge of managing tape and film-based archives: decaying media, lack of technical infrastructure, monetize legacy material and rarity of skill sets needed to operate past equipments.
Pierides TechnoSystems Ltd was selected in partnership with NewCytech, to build a system for valued archives and provide a turn -key solution for its historical media assets.
Through a standard web browser, CyBC technical personnel can browse archived material, make shot selections and perform basic edits. High resolution material corresponding to the shot list is automatically extracted from the tape library system and sent for play-out or pushed to a third party non-linear editing (NLE) system for further editing. Asset management technology, tracks metadata throughout the whole content life cycle and allows for customized metadata entries, enabling CyBC to index assets according to their needs and workflow.
This solution provides CyBC with the ability to exploit their files to the maximum. In particular, in the production process, the development of Media Asset Management (MAM), offers tools to facilitate access to all the digitized audiovisual material, as it allows easy data search through selected search modes (key words), while the material is maintained readily available for exploitation and processing, in high quality, for use in the news production, program flow, web portal, and other applications. Furthermore, the user can search for files based on subject, author, date, location, etc. In this way, significant added value to the existing material is developed, for the benefit of both the organization and their audience.
This project enabled CyBC to use its Historical Archives in many ways as well as to preserve them in a safe, ready to use condition.
The conservation and exploitation of assets in national organizations such as CyBC, is not only a profitable investment but an important step in preserving the cultural heritage and history of Cyprus.
To complete the project the contribution of DALET, Harmonic Inc., Front Porch Digital, Spectra Logic and HP, has been significant.
About Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC)
CYPRUS BROADCASTING CORPORATION(CyBC) is the public broadcaster of the Republic of Cyprus.The mission of CyBC is to provide public broadcasting services within the Republic, responding directly to the democratic, social and cultural needs of Cypriot society and to the need to secure pluralism of cultural and linguistic diversity in mass media, including a balanced package of services consisting of informative, cultural and entertainment programs, social service programs, programs addressed to overseas Cypriots, and transmissions related to national emergencies and civil protection efforts.
The first steps in broadcasting in Cyprus were taken in spring 1951, during the British rule. The first radio programs were aired on 4 October 1953 and the first TV programs in October 1957. Upon independence of Cyprus in 1960, the “Cyprus Broadcasting Service” became the “Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation”.